10 English grammar rules you NEED TO KNOW: advanced English
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
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Tell me one thing you've learnt from this lesson!
I've learnt about quantifiers correctly and articles. Thanks teacher.
Thank you so much Aga for this amazing lesson! Your explanation is very clear!! I have learnt a lot from this video!❤
Glad to hear that! 😊
Thank you my teacher.
I enjoy your teaching.
Thank you so much. You are one of the best English teachers with an amazing British accent . I wish i had watched your videos earlier.
Thank you so much!
Thank you very much for this video it has important English grammar I have learned a lot from it and I hope many students who have already watched have enjoyed learning more useful grammar.
You are the best English teacher ever, thank you Aga 💐
Thank you so much - I really appreciate your feedback :)
I know all these rules quite well. When I get a video from you, I focus more on your accent, I'm obsessed with your accent 😘♥️🌹
Thank you so much!
@english_with_aga 😘🇬🇧🌹🇲🇽
Good english lesson. Thank you.
Ma,am, being unarguably the tallest grammarian of this generation with a phenomenal intellectual agility to provide solution to any grammatical issues, you are earnestly entreated to explain the nuances between the following two sentences _My uncle will be visiting my house next week Vs My uncle will visit my house next week.Thanking you in advance,
‘’ outstanding teacher “
Thanks Madam ❤
Useful lesson Thanks
Lovely and clearly explained, thank you. And your accent is great too. You're Polish, aren't you?
Everything is quite clear but I would like to know more about Mixed Conditionals. Please make a video on Mixed Conditionals. I appreciate that. Thumbs up! You rock! Cheers!
Well done thanks 😊
best one 👌
Thank you for the clear explanation of your very useful lesson!
You're very welcome! And thank you for watching!
Important rules explained very effectively. Thank you so much, Ms. Aga.
You’re welcome! 😊
Very nice explanation madam. Thanks
Thank you Aga. Wonderful!
You're very welcome Paolo :)
good job. One thing. each teacher has their own particular method. were I to have a doubt, surely i would have two after the lesson. go ahead.
Excellent grammar rulea
Thanks a lot!
You're welcome!
Love this pious lady
goodness gracious me
I did'nt know English was so confusing !!😂😂
I'm just simply not perfect ! (present tense) ! 😂
Maam two questions: 1 "most leadership quality" and 2. "Best in cricket" are these expressions correct?
In my opinion the rule number ten is the most import to english learners..
What do you do for living?
If you have told me you're "going" to the cinema...
Not "doing" to the cinema...
Thanks for the lessons.
She had already mailed,when he proposed her.
Hiii mama
I have good news for you guys,
Jesus christ is dead for your sins,so you need to accept him now. If you refuse to accept it, you will go to hell without mercy,so you must choose now,
👉John 3,18
He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
Don't scare the wicked people if you believe in the name of Jesus christ, but you need to pray against them,
Jesus christ is Lord,