A Zimbabwean woman goes hitchhiking and gets a suprise of her life #kurombazimbabwe #zimconfessions #zimbabwestories #zimbabwestories #kuromba #kurombakumozambique
Tete baby girl needs to give her life to Jesus Christ 💔💔.... Jesus can do what no man can do...if she surrenders to Him she'll be surprised...she may or not be healed but one thing I know is she'll have His peace that surpasses all understanding 😢
Hmm this is very sad mwari ane simba please ngati namatei musinenguva even takabatikana prayer people think it's complicated Jesus is a comforter amana you feel relaxed every time usati watomboziva kuti unozvifambisa cei he answers his haisi drama I'm a leaving testimony
Tete someone needs to tell this girls that there is always another choice than to give in to something like that, Mwari havakusiye uchitambura forever mhani 😢
@@DarksecretsConfessionstete vanhu vanoenda vachida mari kunoromba chaiko in ma sisters angu vakanoromba kuda kundiwisira pasi nekut ndine chiwanhu apa yet ndisingazivi now zvakuvapandukira hehehe kuromba hakuna dhiri kani
Second confession:it's not too late you cannot die my sister if you believe.do you believe that there's nothing God can't fix,,, please try to look for this other church called End Time Message❤if you believe you can be a living testimony.ko icho chakaita kuti iwewe usare wega vamwe vachifa mungachiziva here my loving sister.chinongodiwa kuita sezvamaita kuadmit that you did wrong in the eyes of God.but what I can say to you is that you can look for End Time Message Believers at least their numbers vanoziva kuti Mwari vanozvigona iye zvitete izvozvo.hugs❤
Tete for story 2 .. please tell her ambouya kwa Prophet Edd coz izvo zvakafitira kunge zviri zvekuti vakarara with a person anga akaromba chete Kuma sex party avo .
Ndine mwana ari pa University ndakabatikana semubereki, enda kwa Prophet Miracle Paul ku Unit L ku Chitungwiza inodzoka pan ne testimony mwari vane Nyasha ufunge
Hie aunty i love your platform very much mostly i doenload all your latest uploads them listem to them paye ndisingabate fone and busy working.to be honest i wasnt happy u posting a message to critics its not for you tokuzivai muchiti varaidza avo vavengi obviously its people very close to you varikutuma concetrate on making us hapy and making money.we love u please stop responding to them
This is so sad wena. Imboterera mharidzo iyi. ruclips.net/video/QEQsWBDv5gQ/видео.html Gamuchira ishe Jesu sa ishe nemuponesi wako. Verenga bible from Genesis to Revelations. With God nothing is possible.
The devil is a liar haambokuudze chokwadi better kugara nenhamo yako munhu maconfessions andidzidzisa kana pamuporofita handichaguri ndikasangana nedambudziko ndinotsanya ndonamata it seems like vanhu vaakungorombesa vanhu
2nd story starts at 08:33
Tete baby girl needs to give her life to Jesus Christ 💔💔.... Jesus can do what no man can do...if she surrenders to Him she'll be surprised...she may or not be healed but one thing I know is she'll have His peace that surpasses all understanding 😢
Amen Jesus saves ,Jesus is the. Answer to our problems
Hmm this is very sad mwari ane simba please ngati namatei musinenguva even takabatikana prayer people think it's complicated Jesus is a comforter amana you feel relaxed every time usati watomboziva kuti unozvifambisa cei he answers his haisi drama I'm a leaving testimony
2nd girl, she is alive because God is calling her to live here on earth a new life & a new life eternally. 🙏🏽
Tete someone needs to tell this girls that there is always another choice than to give in to something like that, Mwari havakusiye uchitambura forever mhani 😢
Amen ..Desperation and wrong friends
Munhu wese haawane zvakafanana chinosiyana is kuti uri kugutsikana nezvaunazvo here? What if it is your portion in life kuti uwane zvishoma?
Billionaires club 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
mrcy tete ini ndinotya tete asi ndikafunga voice renyu ndinoita chivindi chekuterera😂😂😂tirikudzidzi hedu ummm
@@faraichihata ya nhasi inonakidza it wll be up at 2
I'm sensitive and ndinotya, but you can't stop me from watching the video 😂.
😂😂😂it's like the warning tag made me wanna watch even more
Kkkkk Ndati munozovaviwa I ddnt read Zvimwe zvacho ,I had to go bath wth hot water 💦 ndakukwenya🤣
@@kayjay-ez9un you can say that again 😂😂😂
@@DarksecretsConfessions 😂😂😂
@@DarksecretsConfessionstete vanhu vanoenda vachida mari kunoromba chaiko in ma sisters angu vakanoromba kuda kundiwisira pasi nekut ndine chiwanhu apa yet ndisingazivi now zvakuvapandukira hehehe kuromba hakuna dhiri kani
Congratulations 🎉🎉 Tete its now 24 000 of us on this lovely channel. We love you tete ❤
🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉Thank you it’s possible only bcz of yo love and support
Ngaaudze vabereku vake chikwafi vafambe nayee. Vachiziva
2. Kurara nevarume vakaromba. Go kuchurch confess your sin
Eish apa ndinofarira private cars kubva Gweru .😢😢😢
Sis avovanoti vanorwara asihavasi kuziva kuti chinovarwadzi chiti vanoda kubatsirwa nokukasika vanhu vavairara navo vayive nemishonga
team Gweru although apo ndosaka ndichizvikwirira City link coz heyi 😩😩😩
Second confession, ngaanamate Mwari anomubatsira, hapana munhu asina kumbotadza panyika, Mwari anokuda mwanasikana, NAMATA
First time in this channel l love the way you read Auntiez
Ncawww thank u so much.Welcome to your channel
Confession # 2 tendeuka ugamuchire Jesu nguva ichiripo haufe uri testimony
Hello tete thanks for everything be blessed..
Tete I like you, isai video muchiverenga
I like you my sister
I like the way you read mazuvano
Yu changed big time ❤❤❤❤❤luv from mama carlo
Maswera sei Mama Carlo I love u too❤️❤️❤️Ndoisa mangwana nyte nyte
Second confession:it's not too late you cannot die my sister if you believe.do you believe that there's nothing God can't fix,,, please try to look for this other church called End Time Message❤if you believe you can be a living testimony.ko icho chakaita kuti iwewe usare wega vamwe vachifa mungachiziva here my loving sister.chinongodiwa kuita sezvamaita kuadmit that you did wrong in the eyes of God.but what I can say to you is that you can look for End Time Message Believers at least their numbers vanoziva kuti Mwari vanozvigona iye zvitete izvozvo.hugs❤
Munhu akatoromba navo vaskana avo obvious pa bonde coz why dzichiruma pa chinhu,
Kutaura kwawaita Mwari vachakuitira Nyasha, very sorry
Hadzisi inda sisi zvindakwenya 😂😂😂
Hello tete, manje mukati not for sensitive viewers tinobva tatoda kuona😂😂😂
Kkkk kuti munei
Nezera rangu nenyaya dzandinoterera hazvienderane asi ndinodzidza zvakawanda pano hama dzsngu shandai nesimba musachive zvinhingi
First time asi i really enjoyed your reading
@@ChantelleMakanza-e1w hie Chantie .We love u thank u for watching ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Ngaamboenda kwaprophet Jose anogona kubatsirika vakarara nemasatanist
Wekudyiwa awo hazvidi doctor ngawaende kuchurch kwaMiracle Paul vambozama mari dzehurombwa dzawaidya
Second one today 🎉🎉💃maswera sei tete
Taswera Weduwe ndanonoka nhasi🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Where is the video, ????
Shamwari yaChenge was ritually sacrificed but she can be set free by Jesus Christ. She can give her life to Jesus Christ.
Tete for story 2 .. please tell her ambouya kwa Prophet Edd coz izvo zvakafitira kunge zviri zvekuti vakarara with a person anga akaromba chete Kuma sex party avo .
Apa tobva Gweru
… dzidzai pamuonde!!!!!!!
Shamwari ya Chenge was used nemunhu akaromba, ma Politicians ese zvawo akaromba . Trust me i know them
Kusara kwaColtart
Mmmm ma1 kuromba uku
Sayabonga gal we love you❤
Murisei tete❤
Dzidzai kudya cheziya
Enda pamberi pamwari neurwere rwako , woenda paL Chitungwiza Kuna Prophet Miracle Paul unopona hako tete
How can one email confessions to u??
Come to church my dear uyu arikudyiwa go to any Christ Embassy church near you. They can help you there
Haa ngavaende kumachurch
The second confession, others died so you could run to Jesus Christ. Look up to Him.
Ndine mwana ari pa University ndakabatikana semubereki, enda kwa Prophet Miracle Paul ku Unit L ku Chitungwiza inodzoka pan ne testimony mwari vane Nyasha ufunge
,Let me comment before i even finish,Munyori uyu anogona kunyora nyaya yake ..aunty wo muri shasha kuverenga❤
Wekutanga ka kkkk Hanzi Wish 🤣🤣I laugh when reading then delete Pantene Ndaseka
@DarksecretsConfessions ehe wekutanga kkkkk
Varikuverenga kunge AI
@ 😆😆😆😆in Shona
#1: The devil is a thief.
he came to steal,kill and destroy
How can a person working for satan be faithful
# Christ the Solution!
Dai amboenda kunobatsirwa and give her life to Christ
Mjolo usina kana muteuro kana gwenzi ummm you were sacrificed girl. Zvavekuda munhu akayera to help you.
Uri kut fo sensitive riripi video musatsvake ma comments nezvina basa
@@EthelShava-v4z I said not for sensitive those who are scared of makonye.
Ummmh the second story is sad . Sisi avo ngava ende ku Mbungo 1 ku ZCC ,trust me she will get assisted. 😊
@KudakwasheMabheka-k3x urikusekei
Hie tete munhu uyu akaita bonde nemurume we munhu akagadzirwa ngaafambe not kuenda kuhospital
To my suprice why do people always for tht thing yaiwawo
Zvedenge zvinoshanda izvi, chimbozvizamei muone kubata kwaMwari.
Zvakaoma hazvo
The is hope in CHRIST, he is the life himself surrender your life to him 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Hie aunty i love your platform very much mostly i doenload all your latest uploads them listem to them paye ndisingabate fone and busy working.to be honest i wasnt happy u posting a message to critics its not for you tokuzivai muchiti varaidza avo vavengi obviously its people very close to you varikutuma concetrate on making us hapy and making money.we love u please stop responding to them
@@rubbiekaliwa4312Ehoi I won’t do it again
Ndini driver wacho wemakhonye ndakazowana amwe makhonye ikozvino awanda
Umm zvoitika munyika zvakutyisa ngatitsvage Mwari nguva ichipo
So sad 😢
Wig na wig 😂😂😂
Enda ku chivanhu unobatsirwa hurombwa
Shame izvi zvava kuda Mwari apindire
Hie Tete 😊😊
Maswera sei tanonoka nhasi
Maswera seyi aunt
Taswera Weduwe today technology news working against me .Muti sei kumba ikoko
But sei yangu ikujamba jamba nhai
Internet maybe
Masikati akanaka tete
@@margaretmoffat4701 mahwera sei Weduwe
Uhmmm ndamererw makonye
Same here
Jesus Christ of Nazareth is Lord of LORDS
This is so sad wena. Imboterera mharidzo iyi. ruclips.net/video/QEQsWBDv5gQ/видео.html Gamuchira ishe Jesu sa ishe nemuponesi wako. Verenga bible from Genesis to Revelations. With God nothing is possible.
Team Zunde
The devil is a liar haambokuudze chokwadi better kugara nenhamo yako munhu maconfessions andidzidzisa kana pamuporofita handichaguri ndikasangana nedambudziko ndinotsanya ndonamata it seems like vanhu vaakungorombesa vanhu
Vanhu avachadi kunamata Mwari vave kuda kushandirwa ndokunotsigiswa zvinhu kwavari kuitwa😢😢😢😢😢 Lord have mercy
The way you over-narrate makes the story seem fictional
@@263tickets I am just reading dude ,That’s my personality that’s how I talk I am sorry 😞
@@DarksecretsConfessionsDont apologize. Kana asingade kunzwa ngaatsvage zvekuita. Why discourage others