I Hid My True Identity as a Useless Weakling, But the Saint Fell in Love with Me - Manga Recap

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • I Hid My True Identity as a Useless Weakling, But the Saint Fell in Love with Me - Manga Recap
    Welcome to Moca Recap! In this video, we’ll summarize and analyze this manga, diving into its key moments and intriguing mysteries!
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Комментарии • 76

  • @dragonthewolf8106
    @dragonthewolf8106 20 дней назад +43

    I love how our mc sees the hero’s party as his children, but the hero’s party was never aware of that so I can just imagine the mc viewing every fight he had with them as children throwing a tantrum or teenage rebellion. And him always reacting to their antics like a overly tired yet too patient single father.

  • @leyrua
    @leyrua 26 дней назад +84

    I like that the reason he hid his powers is because the only reason he was with the heroes party was because of a stupid prophecy. 😂 Makes even more sense if his "childhood friend" was _always_ a jerk who let his role as the hero go to his head from the very beginning.
    Dude was nice enough to try to warn them at the last moment that he was pulling a bit more weight than was apparent, but when they blew him off he just kind of shrugged and walked away.

    • @synsastral2753
      @synsastral2753 21 день назад +4

      Agreed, it was pretty funny to watch. I swear I've read this before or seen it before somewhere, but I cannot say where if it wasn't on youtube...

    • @sik3xploit
      @sik3xploit 13 дней назад +2

      Well if someone is agitated that what they are doing isn't making you upset then there is something wrong with them.

  • @JordanJames-re4su
    @JordanJames-re4su 15 дней назад +16

    Hilarious that the mc joined the royal duel because he wanted to see how they have grown but doesn’t realize that they got significantly weaker after he left
    Bros just a loving father for his children who are the same age as him

  • @Orvusaria
    @Orvusaria 7 дней назад +11

    I’m Glad They Kicked Me From The Hero’s Party… But Why’re you following me, Great Saintess? is the real name btw

  • @N00bB1scu1tGaming
    @N00bB1scu1tGaming 24 дня назад +53

    Really hate when no one gives the title anywhere. There has to be a better way to handle these recaps.
    Yuusha Party wo Tsuihou Sareta Ore da ga, Ore kara Sudatte Kureta you de Ureshii. Nanode Daiseijo, Omae ni Otte Korarete wa Komaru no da ga?
    English name:
    I’m Glad They Kicked Me From The Hero’s Party.. But Why’re you following me, Great Saintess?

    • @Menuki
      @Menuki 22 дня назад +5

      It was in the description…

    • @gannonwilliford5719
      @gannonwilliford5719 18 дней назад

      Why are these names getin so long.

    • @Chrisdish
      @Chrisdish 17 дней назад +1

      ​@@Menukiit doesn't work, it provides less results

    • @randombullshiz2904
      @randombullshiz2904 12 дней назад

      You sir, are a saint.

    • @randombullshiz2904
      @randombullshiz2904 12 дней назад

      @@Menuki I looked it up and thats not its title lmao, thats just something the channel came up with for some reason?

  • @TTVcringesage
    @TTVcringesage 29 дней назад +81

    "I Hid My True Identity as a Useless Weakling, But the Saint Fell in Love with Me" good story but name is too long

    • @Sirhcdraw100
      @Sirhcdraw100 25 дней назад +15

      Meh. I've seen longer 😂

    • @JarnoEnsio
      @JarnoEnsio 25 дней назад +14

      ​@@Sirhcdraw100 That's what she said 😂

    • @AbnusXD
      @AbnusXD 25 дней назад

      That’s pretty common with mangas.

    • @Channel-23s
      @Channel-23s 24 дня назад +6

      Welcome to Manga but I guess some authors use a short name while others just like long ones and don’t pay any mind to it lol

    • @gachaguru738
      @gachaguru738 20 дней назад +5

      There are some longer-named manga out there, and I am not kidding, some are just very long
      One that I remembered was
      "As a Reincarnated Aristocrat, I'll Use My Appraisal Skill to Rise in the World: I Inherited a Weak Territory, and If I Increase the Number of Capable Personnel, It Will Become the Strongest Territory."

  • @darricklucas7033
    @darricklucas7033 8 дней назад

    great series is there more

  • @fluffybunny6875
    @fluffybunny6875 9 дней назад

    Captain Rose of the Rescue Squad approves Alicia

    @QESUAEI 5 дней назад

    0:38 not her having my girls name

  • @angelm703
    @angelm703 6 дней назад +1

    Not even 12 minutes into the video, on my first watch, there is already 2 instances of repeated text. Raise your edit game bro

  • @michaelbirney-jf5gy
    @michaelbirney-jf5gy 11 дней назад

    is this more than this? and name please

  • @morriganmhor5078
    @morriganmhor5078 26 дней назад +9

    Lacrie wields a Spear, not a sword! That's not the first case of misnaming. How can you be so negligent?

    • @Deathstalker449
      @Deathstalker449 26 дней назад +4

      Making a recap is not as easy as you might think my friend. It can take days just to make a couple hour recap.

    • @IsThatKris
      @IsThatKris 26 дней назад +1

      They said spear multiple times and said sword a few times?

    • @Devilhand21
      @Devilhand21 26 дней назад

      This take multiple days and hours upon hours of recording, editing and fixing minor inconveniences from RUclips. It isn't all sunshine and rainbows when you are doing video making. Also, people sometimes have to mess up somethings here and there to prevent copyright claims and strikes since the content needs to be edited enough to be protected under copyright laws

    • @alanspring111
      @alanspring111 25 дней назад

      Can you not buy the recap already translated

    • @Devilhand21
      @Devilhand21 25 дней назад

      @@alanspring111 If you mean talking through an AI, I wouldn't know. Most mangas recapped you can are already find translated

  • @justADeni
    @justADeni 15 дней назад +1

    bro is collecting girls like pokemon

  • @ghalibabdallah2801
    @ghalibabdallah2801 24 дня назад

    Next part plz

  • @jakoblopez6785
    @jakoblopez6785 24 дня назад

    is there a part two?

  • @ryanbalana_07
    @ryanbalana_07 27 дней назад +2

    part 2

  • @Flarztheburningsoul
    @Flarztheburningsoul 24 дня назад +1

    Can you do a part 2, please?

  • @ApthumEide
    @ApthumEide 10 дней назад


  • @seancombs5062
    @seancombs5062 25 дней назад +10

    It might just be me but, the name you supplied (thank you,by the way) doesn’t produce any results beyond your video. I’ve seen the story on YT before and know that it has quite a few more chapters more than where the video ends, so I’m wondering if you’d would kindly, provide the sauce? Where did you find the story? IT WAS JUST GETTING STARTED 😭 Any information would help, thanks.

    • @lawrencelopez9839
      @lawrencelopez9839 24 дня назад +3

      they don't put the real name because it could get flagged and deleted for copyright issues or something

    • @Orvusaria
      @Orvusaria 7 дней назад +2

      I’m Glad They Kicked Me From The Hero’s Party… But Why’re you following me, Great Saintess? is the real name

    • @GardenOwlksj
      @GardenOwlksj 10 часов назад

      Thanks I appreciate it

  • @Chris-vh8dv
    @Chris-vh8dv 23 дня назад +1

    Does it ever get good man

  • @atchagotcha7962
    @atchagotcha7962 2 дня назад

    another hot garbage yet again, he CONVENIENTLY stumbled onto certain events or hidden spots, and CONVENIENTLY having skills for certain situations and CONVENIENTLY having all the op skills despite being a backup
    EDIT: oh, and the bad guys CONVINIENTLY is evil with no reason whatsoever and CONVENIENTLY explains how powerful they are

  • @hamperabot5972
    @hamperabot5972 5 дней назад

    Such a bad parent.

  • @shafinfahim3362
    @shafinfahim3362 29 дней назад +11


    • @yuubiy1043
      @yuubiy1043 29 дней назад +18

      Manga-Name: I'm Glad They Kicked Me From the Hero's Party... But Why're You Following Me, Great Saintess?

    • @justinkashtock333
      @justinkashtock333 26 дней назад +5

      Start reading at chapter 28.

    • @seancombs5062
      @seancombs5062 25 дней назад +1

      This title sounds more likely to produce results than the one given by the “creator “

    • @itstubby0ok29
      @itstubby0ok29 24 дня назад

      @@justinkashtock333LIFE SAVER

    • @seancombs5062
      @seancombs5062 22 дня назад

      Yeah, didn’t mean to sound so pissy, sorry. Thank you

  • @Jelt_1
    @Jelt_1 24 дня назад

    Why does this look so familiar?

    • @yetanothertroll
      @yetanothertroll 23 дня назад

      Because "I got fired from the hero's party by Elon" is becoming as generic as isekai

  • @rewingustadi4844
    @rewingustadi4844 3 дня назад

    This is boring.
    Only the enemy is sinister.😑

  • @dorugu
    @dorugu 24 дня назад

    well th hero sounds more like a demon kinf wanna be thn a hero plus poor ariake si in deep trouble now hes got at leas 2 gals that painted a target on him :)
    wonder if it rly aint our mc tht will deal w th demon king? suspect that he'll create peace between th races

  • @lostark9029
    @lostark9029 20 дней назад +1


  • @VSaranara
    @VSaranara 27 дней назад +3

    Bri''ish narator

    • @L569-q5j
      @L569-q5j 25 дней назад

      Brit'ish like bool o woah

  • @Lime271
    @Lime271 15 дней назад

    This is so generic and boring holy.

  • @jairusclydebernales5491
    @jairusclydebernales5491 19 дней назад

    Are u British?

  • @shibampal8085
    @shibampal8085 25 дней назад +2
