Advisor to Barrack Obama. Formerly Michelle Obama's boss. Born Shiraz, Iran.
Major Seed Money Contributor for Barrack Obama. Born Allepo, Syria.
Major Financial Contributor to Barrack Obama. Former Baath Party Member. Born Iraq.
His college roommates were from Pakistan -- Muhammed Hasan Chandoo and Wahid Hamid. He travelled with Hamid to Karachi in 1981...two years after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Pakistan was often a launching point for young men joining the "jihad" against the Russians. Things that make you go hmmm...
Anyone remember John Walker Lindh?
Here is more about Chandoo and his brother.
I'm normally not a paranoid conspiracy theorist, I'm not some ultra-right-wing wacko, and I have eyed the Bush administration with a lot of skepticism of the last four years...but this stuff about Obama just doesn't add up with him saying who he is and all the fervor for what people believe he is.
Something stinks. I hope us Americans aren't having the wool pulled over their eyes.
McCain may be old and Palin inexperienced and ultra-conservative but I will take that ANY day over the risk of putting someone as questionable as Obama in office.