Obama's muslim faith

Will E Worm

Last time I checked the U.S. was the only western civilized country not to have to have universal health. Oh yea that must be the reason why are healthcare is ranked so low in the world.

We do not need a Socialist health care system. :nono:
He went to Harvard and Columbia,last I looked both were in the USA.Healthcare will never be free,is it free anywhere? It's just the people of the US have a terrible for profit system that makes us pay double what any other country does.We can realize huge savings with a Universal plan.Social security isn't free eithier.If you think they are you really know very little about the US and its programs and people. And since Obama is leading in the polls are you saying they all are leeches or ghetto people(a poorly veiled code word for blacks)? No that can't be because he couldn't be leading without broad based support and rejection of what you think America should be.Really georges I don't pretend I know a lot about France,don't pretend you have anywhere near the depth of understanding of the US that I who have lived here 50 years have as compared to you.You just consistently show how much you don't know or understand about us.Nobody is looking for a welfare state here just a country with some equity for all.We have seen what an inequiatable system that favors the rich wall street types has led to.Time to go back to some social justice and regulation of things.

I know enough of USA more than you can think. You understand one goddamn fucking thing, that individualism, forward planing and personal entrepreneurship were the bases of the capitalistic system that was in the USA, so don't try to lecture me on the US. I have relatives in Texas and in NY and I have been and have visited USA several times. I often use the word ghetto people for people who are either living in shitty suburbs and who are indirectly linked to criminal activities, drug dealing and reselling, car jacking, vandalism and grand theft but who also are a bunch of lazy ass parasites. I never claimed that health care nor social security should be free but you want people who work to pay for others. This is what happened during 27 fucking years in France from 1975 till 2002, where a bunch of lazy ass fuckers leeched social security and health care from the revenues of hard working people thanks to the socialist governments. You claim to live 50 years in the USA but how old are you then 60, 70???? You think every American would acknowledge the fact to see part of his revenues given to another person to help him to pay his medicare? You must be on another planet but not in the USA to think it can happen because it won't. For me you are a little too socialist for an American, remember that the values of socialism go in total opposition with the American values: against second amendment, against death penalty, against the war and for endless social assisting. I see many of teenagers that share your views and they are far to understand what the reality is. See what results it has given where a social system with equity for all was implemented, it failed and bankrupted the states that implemented it. Equity will never be and social justice neither, everyone for their own head, and remember that none owes you not a damn cent and not a damn thing.


We do not need a Socialist health care system. :nono:

Yes ! We don't need a socialist health care apparatus !

No way would I place my life at the discretion of DMV caliber, cost effective dOkToRs.

I contract my own doctor(s), thank you very much ! :D
I know enough of USA more than you can think. You understand one goddamn fucking thing, that individualism, forward planing and personal entrepreneurship were the bases of the capitalistic system that was in the USA, so don't try to lecture me on the US. I have relatives in Texas and in NY and I have been and have visited USA several times. I often use the word ghetto people for people who are either living in shitty suburbs and who are indirectly linked to criminal activities, drug dealing and reselling, car jacking, vandalism and grand theft but who also are a bunch of lazy ass parasites. I never claimed that health care nor social security should be free but you want people who work to pay for others. This is what happened during 27 fucking years in France from 1975 till 2002, where a bunch of lazy ass fuckers leeched social security and health care from the revenues of hard working people thanks to the socialist governments. You claim to live 50 years in the USA but how old are you then 60, 70???? You think every American would acknowledge the fact to see part of his revenues given to another person to help him to pay his medicare? You must be on another planet but not in the USA to think it can happen because it won't. For me you are a little too socialist for an American, remember that the values of socialism go in total opposition with the American values: against second amendment, against death penalty, against the war and for endless social assisting. I see many of teenagers that share your views and they are far to understand what the reality is. See what results it has given where a social system with equity for all was implemented, it failed and bankrupted the states that implemented it. Equity will never be and social justice neither, everyone for their own head, and remember that none owes you not a damn cent and not a damn thing.

Why can't I be 50? lol
Again you are just showing what you don't know.Things like medicare,social security are socialized programs that we have had for many many years and they are not going anywhere.Everyone thinks the elderly which is what social security is about should be taken care of,we have had that system for over 70 years now.And I don't see how socialism has anything to do with 2nd amendment,death penalty or war.Death penalty is indefensible with all the innocent people proven to have been sentenced to it.And countries with much more socialized sytems go to war so no connection there eithier.And did you know that the war is overwhelminly unpopular here?Maybe being in france You Missed that.If guns and killing people and making wars is what you think most americans believe is our basic heritage then we just have a very different view.Most americans think america is about liberty,truth and justice for all.

We have a French citizen intensely lecturing a long time American citizen why he isn't a real American.

Ask most Americans what it means to be American and they will answer 'freedom'.
And that includes the freedom to embrace ANY legal idea or belief without fear of retribution or punishment.
Advisor to Barrack Obama. Formerly Michelle Obama's boss. Born Shiraz, Iran.

Major Seed Money Contributor for Barrack Obama. Born Allepo, Syria.

Major Financial Contributor to Barrack Obama. Former Baath Party Member. Born Iraq.

His college roommates were from Pakistan -- Muhammed Hasan Chandoo and Wahid Hamid. He travelled with Hamid to Karachi in 1981...two years after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Pakistan was often a launching point for young men joining the "jihad" against the Russians. Things that make you go hmmm...

Anyone remember John Walker Lindh?

Here is more about Chandoo and his brother.

I'm normally not a paranoid conspiracy theorist, I'm not some ultra-right-wing wacko, and I have eyed the Bush administration with a lot of skepticism of the last four years...but this stuff about Obama just doesn't add up with him saying who he is and all the fervor for what people believe he is.

Something stinks. I hope us Americans aren't having the wool pulled over their eyes.

McCain may be old and Palin inexperienced and ultra-conservative but I will take that ANY day over the risk of putting someone as questionable as Obama in office.

Your grasping at straws here dude.

Obama has advisors and campaign contributers from all kinds of backrounds. Picking and choosing a few examples of people from the middle east and using that to somehow create a theory that Obama "might" be a covert muslim terrorist is ridiculous.

If you don't like Obamas/the democratic parties policies then fine. Don't vote for Obama. But don't buy into all that swift boating, mudslinging bullshit the GOP is using to besmirch Obama. And definitely don't peddle that bullshit here. Nobody's buying it.


It's good to be the king...
Your grasping at straws here dude.

Obama has advisors and campaign contributers from all kinds of backrounds. Picking and choosing a few examples of people from the middle east and using that to somehow create a theory that Obama "might" be a covert muslim terrorist is ridiculous.

If you don't like Obamas/the democratic parties policies then fine. Don't vote for Obama. But don't buy into all that swift boating, mudslinging bullshit the GOP is using to besmirch Obama. And definitely don't peddle that bullshit here. Nobody's buying it.

Good words.....unfortunately (as we all know), mud sticks...
Your grasping at straws here dude.

Obama has advisors and campaign contributers from all kinds of backrounds. Picking and choosing a few examples of people from the middle east and using that to somehow create a theory that Obama "might" be a covert muslim terrorist is ridiculous.

If you don't like Obamas/the democratic parties policies then fine. Don't vote for Obama. But don't buy into all that swift boating, mudslinging bullshit the GOP is using to besmirch Obama. And definitely don't peddle that bullshit here. Nobody's buying it.

I agree it's probably complete bullshit.

But I disagree with your asking/telling them to not 'peddle that here'.

Freedom of speech goes both ways. I welcome everyone's opinion on everything.
So long as I can freely tell them why I agree/disagree with it.
Does religious faith matter when your stomach and wallet are getting empty day by day? :)

Obama or McCain will wreck economy more and more.


I'm not 'sure' of anything.
I believe very strongly.
If you have strong proof to the contrary (as opposed to an-Obama-slip-of-the-tongue truth ;)), I would be genuinely curious to view it.

Proof comes at 1:20 ^ above. If Obama was, in fact a "Christian" he would have immediately paused and re- executed what it was that he meant. You don't continue on speaking and have an astonished Geo. Stepannawfulstuff make corrections for you, and then for the next 10 long seconds sit there and stumble and try to figure out what had just occurred and how was he going to recover uhhhhh *moves around in chair* . . uhhhhh.

No slip of the tongue at all ! He stated, ever so naturally, that of which is the truth.
Bullshit ! Lay EVERYTHING on the table.

No one's exempt. :tongue:

Not saying Obamas exempt from anything. Question him all you like. But the "Obamas an undercover terrorist" claims are just as ridiuclous as the "9/11 was an inside job orchestrated by the Bush administration" claims.

If your gonna attack somebody, attack them with something believable. Otherwise you just make yourself look dishonest and untrustworthy.

If McCain is willing to tell such outrages lies to get himself elected, then whats to stop him from lying to us as president?
Proof comes at 1:20 ^ above. If Obama was, in fact a "Christian" he would have immediately paused and re- executed what it was that he meant. You don't continue on speaking and have an astonished Geo. Stepannawfulstuff make corrections for you, and then for the next 10 long seconds sit there and stumble and try to figure out what had just occurred and how was he going to recover uhhhhh *moves around in chair* . . uhhhhh

I believe you are looking for the conspiracy; you often do on here.

That's okay because many times I agree or see your point. But this time you're REALLY stretching it and it's obvious (to me, anyway).
But, that's your right.

BTW, I meant proof about American's love freedom. Not Obama.
Does religious faith matter when your stomach and wallet are getting empty day by day? :)

Obama or McCain will wreck economy more and more.

Religious faith matters about as much as my nephews belief that his stuffed frog "Stevie" is a real live sentient being.


Does religious faith matter when your stomach and wallet are getting empty day by day? :)

Obama or McCain will wreck economy more and more.

Well, the best candidate for the job was ousted in the primary election, as a matter of religious affiliation . . and politics, a guy who would be best equipped to resolve the matter on Wall Street.

As for the wallet being emptied, it always pays to diversify your savings investments. :D
Religion and all religion related stuffs (especially the big three Jewish, Islam and Christiany) seem so weird to me. Everytime people get so hot on religious stuffs, i'm so amazed.

Personally, i am secular in society and tengriist in privately.
Come on man! Your looking for the conspiracy; you often do on here.

That's okay because sometimes you're right. But this time you're REALLY stretching it and it's obvious (to me, anyway). But, that's your right.

BTW, I meant proof about American's love freedom. Not Obama.

Every reasonable person knows what he meant when he said " my muslim faith" and Stephanopolous incorrectly tryed to correct it to his christian faith and Obama said no I'm talking about this idea I am a muslim.There is zero evidence he has ever been a practicing muslim,not that should be a disqualifier anyway.It's just bigotry against muslims to say otherwise.I bet McVeigh who bombed Oklahoma claimed to be christian,did we hear "can't trust those christians ":dunno: