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To Your Eternity
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Jun 21, 2021 3:38 PM

Apr 2015
Oh my god. That ending was turning out so damn sweet with Rean realizing that Gugu was the one who saved her on that windy day and learned how incredibly hurt he got from saving her. Her walking up to him, assuming she was gonna confess and then that cliff just breaks. Bro.. I was captivated in that scene, I was ready for that confession, not ready for that cliff to disappear from beneath him.

This show really knows how to take you off-guard. A "cliffhanger" for sure.
Jun 21, 2021 3:42 PM

Aug 2016
I started yelling "fuck" repeatedly after that ending. Holy shit. The wait for the next episode will feel way longer this time, I'm excited but I'll have to prepare for a most likely sad episode next week ;-;
Jun 21, 2021 3:43 PM

Mar 2015
Criticiza said:
pasanoid said:
my boi, there were so many death flags all over already. like when the old man sees Gugu off, you can already tell where this is going. after March's arc it was safe to assume everyone is going to die in the most saddest way. that's just the kind of show this is. why are you so surprised?

Lol, kinda also mentioned it in my post as well that it was foreshadowed but just because I expect something doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt less. IT STILL HURTS MAN MY BOY GUGU IS ALL GROWN UP AND NOW HE’S PROBABLY DEAD. I’ve also repeatedly mentioned in my other episode forum posts that I know he’ll die but yeah doesn’t make it any easier lol
lol, you remind me of people doing carolina reaper challange :D
dramas are watched to feel a little sting. there is nothing to complain about. enjoy the hurts, it's going to be good
Am I a good person? No. But do I try to be better every single day? Also no
Jun 21, 2021 3:58 PM

Aug 2016
She finally realised he saved her, is love in the air......... ah ffs, not Gugu too.
“I just spent the last two years thinking that you guys knew more than me about life and I just found out that you guys are just as dumb as me.” “Duh-doy.” “Yeah, duh-doy.”
Jun 21, 2021 4:00 PM

Apr 2018
Oh man! Next episode will be hard to watch. I fear the worst for Best Boi Gugu. :'(
Jun 21, 2021 4:03 PM

Apr 2020

I'll be so upset if Gugu dies, but the way the show has gone with the last 2 characters Fushi was with this might be it for him.
Jun 21, 2021 4:05 PM

Aug 2012
I love this anime so much.
Jun 21, 2021 4:07 PM

Jun 2014
Of course just when everything seems to be going right.....everything goes horribly wrong. I just want Gugu to live a happy life with Rean, is that too much to ask? (apparently it is lol).
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Jun 21, 2021 4:28 PM

Mar 2020
Gugu is a chad, I'm sure plot armor will save him. I bet he dies of old age.
Jun 21, 2021 5:23 PM

Dec 2014
Great episode.

The scene with Gugu's big brother was definitely tough to watch but there's no way he's going back after everything that happened to him since them.

All the Rean and Gugu scenes were so cute, they are adorable together. The last scene with the flower was so sweet. She finally realized who he was and then those Nokker's just had to show up.

I'm gonna be heartbroken if this doesn't end on a happy note.
Jun 21, 2021 5:25 PM

Jun 2013
This episode was INSANE, what an anime, can someone tell me the ost at the end when the Nokkers arrived? It was just amazing.
Jun 21, 2021 5:48 PM
Mar 2015
Serafos said:
I honestly don't like this Gugu x Rean arc at all... I'm getting so tired of this.

The first 6 episodes were much more interesting.

That’s your opinion and you’re entitled to it. My opinion to your comment: Boo!!! Boo!!!
Jun 21, 2021 6:04 PM

May 2020
I feel used. Pain is all over me, from a sweet beginning to that cliffhanger. I just want the both of them to be together, it is too much?
Jun 21, 2021 6:09 PM

Jul 2012
come on, wtf give Gugu a freaking break, jesus, why??? I just want this guy to be happy, why did you throw him off the cliff?? omg staph, leave Gugu alone!!

and he manages to save Rean again, right after she discovers that he was the one that saved her before...omg this anime, first March, and now you make Gugu suffer like this, please :(

i love this anime, but omg stop stabbing me in chest ahahhaah
"I feel alive cause I'm a loser today and so I'll be tomorrow
I feel insane but that's my nature and I'll never change for your better
Behind the veil there is a lunatic with his out of tune emotions
Madness saved me from all of your average lies - average lies"
Jun 21, 2021 6:17 PM
Jul 2018
gugu really still likes th Rean one more enemy attacking again after year how will fushi's performance be after years without a fight this is true for gugu that has changed a lot over time.
Jun 21, 2021 6:42 PM

Jun 2019
Bruh can they give Gugu a damn break for once? The man has persevered through too much for this to keep happening to him. The romance between Gugu and Rin is better than almost every romance anime we have gotten in the past 3 seasons which is an achievement in itself (or not really given how they’re often trash). Interested in seeing what the Nokkers have in store next episode.
Jun 21, 2021 6:48 PM
Jul 2018
I knew it was too good to be true. This episode was chill and coasting in a comfortable pace and then that ending happened...

animejas said:
My man Gugu got Nok-blocked with that cliffhanger. Probably the worst thing I've said in years, but fitting for the situation.

GioGio0 said:
The episode ended on a cliffhanger , literally

LMAO! Laughed way more than expected. 😆😆😆
Jun 21, 2021 6:59 PM

Feb 2021
I was glad that Rean wasn't a complete airhead in the end and realized the situation that saved her life was due to Gugu. I was like: "AH! FINALLY!!" and then the ground cracks like that... what the F.

Keep in mind this is the same episode where old Gramps gave Gugu a new mask that is meant to help against the Nokkers, I'm sure that plot point wasn't there for no reason. I can see him surviving somehow... or at least I hope so.

In the intro we see Gugu without the mask with a normal face, hopefully it's not premonition to Fushi taking his form. There needs to be conflict for the show to continue so I am fully on board but damn man, everyone's hoping for a Gugu x Rean happy ending, well, let's see what next week brings. This show is great.
Jun 21, 2021 7:14 PM
Jul 2019
Damn this ending caught me by surprise completely.
Jun 21, 2021 7:16 PM
Jul 2019
TSTO said:
I was glad that Rean wasn't a complete airhead in the end and realized the situation that saved her life was due to Gugu. I was like: "AH! FINALLY!!" and then the ground cracks like that... what the F.

Keep in mind this is the same episode where old Gramps gave Gugu a new mask that is meant to help against the Nokkers, I'm sure that plot point wasn't there for no reason. I can see him surviving somehow... or at least I hope so.

In the intro we see Gugu without the mask with a normal face, hopefully it's not premonition to Fushi taking his form. There needs to be conflict for the show to continue so I am fully on board but damn man, everyone's hoping for a Gugu x Rean happy ending, well, let's see what next week brings. This show is great.

In the last part of the opening when they show the different forms of the orbs in row like the rock, wolf and bear.. Etc, they also showed Gugu. I just hope this wasn't a spoiler by whoever made this opening.
Jun 21, 2021 7:43 PM
Jan 2021
I just finished this episode and saw this thread.
"Tell us your thoughts on episode 11."
Jun 21, 2021 7:48 PM

Jan 2021
For a second I thought than Shin was going to be announced as Rean's betrothed... I'm glad it was just some rando though because that would've messed Gugu up a whole lot more. I'm also interested to see why Shin was reintroduced this episode.

It looks like the Nokkers learned after the battle 4 years ago and decided to take Gugu out first before he could do anything.

Jun 21, 2021 8:40 PM

Apr 2015
Ok wtf, this is FB all over again, what's with all these cliffs breaking at the worst possible moment? I mean it probably wasn't totally random cause of the nokkers, but still. The old man just HAD to raise all those red flags. I swear if Gugu dies I'd be pissed. Can the author not end every arc with someone's death?!! Hell, I didn't really care for any of the previous deaths (sorry doggie and little girl), but Gugu's death would genuinely make me mad. Give him a break, he's already had a tough life and deserves happiness.

"As promised, all that you seek, all that we desire, is prepared up there. On top of the Tower."
Jun 21, 2021 8:53 PM

Mar 2019
I know it's called a cliffhanger but he literally fell off a cliff (again) bruh
I honestly have no idea what I'm supposed to type here.
*imitates an old man*
"Back in my day, we used to write our names fancy when they asked our signature!"
Jun 21, 2021 9:07 PM

Mar 2014
Don't tell me that this spoiled girl will end up with a freak without a face. That would be even less plausible than having a distillery in your stomach.
Jun 21, 2021 9:12 PM
Jan 2016
Gugu's gotten buff man looks like he can punch the bark off a dog
I'd rather die a free man then live under the rules of idiots
Jun 21, 2021 9:28 PM

Jul 2020
That plot twist in the end was unexpected. Poor Gugu I wish he wouldn't die. I can't take it anymore...
Jun 21, 2021 10:21 PM

Jul 2020
What an episode.

Dayum, this was a really beautiful episode, that ending tho. Jeez. Everything literally came back full circle to Gugu and Rean, which was quite unfortunate. Gugu is one unlucky guy, I really feel bad for him, everything felt like it was aligning, but of course it couldn't just be that easy. The hoodlums had to come and disturb the peace in the atmosphere.
Jun 21, 2021 10:25 PM

Mar 2012
Like 5 seconds before the cliff broke, I was already shouting at my monitor that some bad shit was going down. Such a nice moment that reeked of bad events right around the corner, smh.

Looking forward to how this all goes down. Man, hope Gugu and Rean both survive past this. Best not get my hopes up too much though...
Jun 21, 2021 11:28 PM

Jul 2020
It was about to be my favorite episode but then the ending hit and it took away some of my enjoyment.The OSTs were beautifully placed.I don't understand why the author had to do this when they were finally be able to get together.

Scordolo's Recent Reviews
To your eternity
Vanitas no Karte
Jun 21, 2021 11:44 PM

Dec 2020
rean finally knows the truth but of course it ended on a cliff hanger. literally. saved her the second time, sacrificing himself again
Jun 21, 2021 11:48 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
I was going to say I am kind of bored at where we are at now. I take it back: shit is paying off and it's getting good

whiskey tango foxtrot

Jun 22, 2021 12:56 AM

Apr 2021
Seriously for 4 years they(The Nokkers) didn't show up and now they show up outta nowhere....Still Gugu and Rean have gotten much closer...also I'm glad that Rean now finally knows the truth about Gugu..good episode
Jun 22, 2021 2:49 AM

Jul 2020
oh poor Gugu.. this is truly pain
Jun 22, 2021 3:57 AM

Oct 2016
What an amazing episode, Brain's Base truly doing a fantastic job. Even though I already read the manga, this episode still almost made me cry. You know it's getting real when we don't get that spoilery next episode preview and that literal cliffhanger. Can't fucking wait for the next episode which will probably be the last one for this arc.

It's awesome how fluent Fushi can speak now.
Jun 22, 2021 4:32 AM

May 2020
animejas said:

I hate you. Fucking hilarious.
Jun 22, 2021 6:15 AM
Jul 2018
No not again please________
Jun 22, 2021 6:25 AM

Jul 2013
damn, just when they're about to catch a break :'(
damn you nokker(s)!

Jun 22, 2021 6:26 AM

Jul 2013
pasanoid said:
Criticiza said:
my boi, there were so many death flags all over already. like when the old man sees Gugu off, you can already tell where this is going. after March's arc it was safe to assume everyone is going to die in the most saddest way. that's just the kind of show this is. why are you so surprised?

i despite warning was given in OP and general vibe of this series.

im still hoping they would be a happy ending for this arc :'(
Jun 22, 2021 7:51 AM

Nov 2015
I hate this anime and it's author , Gugu deserves happiness :(
Jun 22, 2021 10:40 AM
Oct 2018
Bruh...gugu has the worst luck ever. His girl finally gets to know that he injured his face while saving her. And now he has fallen into the ocean with nokkers ready to attack. I just hope he ends up with the girl at the end of all this (if he doesn't die that is)
Jun 22, 2021 10:49 AM

Mar 2017
Just remember that Gugu suffered the pains of hell for her and then just throwed away 4 fvcking years to let a blonde understand such a trivial thing and after that he fallen off by the cliff under the weight of her own new mask, ah yes this is called drama...(jk)
Feel pain, think about pain, accept pain, know pain... Shinra Tensei!
Jun 22, 2021 11:36 AM

Jul 2014
Of course Gugu looks likely to die the moment that Rean learns the truth, that's textbook emotional manipulation writing to make the audience feel both catharsis (about Rean learning the truth about Gugu saving her) and sadness (at his death). And if Gugu truly does die, then I'll know for certain that there is no point caring about anyone in this show besides Fushi, as it'll show that everyone it meets is merely a plot device to allow its development and to forcefully wring emotions out of the viewer.

Also, given the pace of their appearances before the timeskip, why did the Nokkers wait four years to re-emerge and attack Fushi again? And why/how did it take Booze Man four years to make Gugu's new helmet? Most of the key moments of this episode could and should have happened much sooner, so in all honesty the timeskip feels more or less entirely unnecessary: it seems like the show wanted to give us a swole Gugu and was more than happy to halt the plot for four years to make that happen. I guess we also got the detail that Fushi's bodies can "age" if he goes long enough without changing, but I bet that won't come up ever again after this.

As for Gugu's brother, I still don't see what his point in all this is, besides being a plot device to get the ring back to Gugu and by extension Rean to trigger the memories returning.
Jun 22, 2021 11:45 AM

Jun 2017
Dam that ending, that was a real cliffhanger that I hadn't felt in awhile. No pun intended. I'm scared to see how Gugu might die based on the the past encounters of Fushi passing away so he can move on to the next arc.
Jun 22, 2021 12:13 PM
Jan 2015
This is not fair. I protest this kind of ending. Superb episode btw loved it.
Jun 22, 2021 1:30 PM
Jul 2018
Bruh, I swear if Gugu dies to this kind of bullshit this anime is dropped
Jun 22, 2021 1:46 PM

Mar 2017
The chemistry between Gugu & Rean in this episode was amazing and that last scene was set to be something so tender and beautiful for them but then the Nokkers came and in just a moment they've ended Gugu, Rean & Fushi's happy, peaceful lives together.

I can't really remember what happens from here (cause I read this part so long ago now) but it's just inevitable that it's gonna be really fucking sad and I'm not ready!
Jun 22, 2021 1:53 PM
Sep 2017
i had to laugh so hard when the cliff randomly broke off
Jun 22, 2021 2:47 PM

Nov 2019
Atavistic said:
Of course Gugu looks likely to die the moment that Rean learns the truth, that's textbook emotional manipulation writing to make the audience feel both catharsis (about Rean learning the truth about Gugu saving her) and sadness (at his death). And if Gugu truly does die, then I'll know for certain that there is no point caring about anyone in this show besides Fushi, as it'll show that everyone it meets is merely a plot device to allow its development and to forcefully wring emotions out of the viewer.

Also, given the pace of their appearances before the timeskip, why did the Nokkers wait four years to re-emerge and attack Fushi again? And why/how did it take Booze Man four years to make Gugu's new helmet? Most of the key moments of this episode could and should have happened much sooner, so in all honesty the timeskip feels more or less entirely unnecessary: it seems like the show wanted to give us a swole Gugu and was more than happy to halt the plot for four years to make that happen. I guess we also got the detail that Fushi's bodies can "age" if he goes long enough without changing, but I bet that won't come up ever again after this.

As for Gugu's brother, I still don't see what his point in all this is, besides being a plot device to get the ring back to Gugu and by extension Rean to trigger the memories returning.

You are guessing so much stuff, its funny
Jun 22, 2021 2:49 PM

Jan 2010
The moment Gugu got close to Fushi we should have all knew his death was inevitable. Whoever is the closest to him always dies or whoever that person reacted to in the case with the bear. If Gugu lives that mean Rean dies and Gugu is sad. Which would also make Fushi grow. But Gugu got hit with a death flag if I ever seen one from Booze man.
A man who knows nothing and says something IS the dumbest person alive. A man who knows something and says nothing could possibly be the smartest person in the world -Unknown

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